Ricochet Robots

Ricochet Robots is a path finding board game where you place robots on a board and then try to find an optimal path to get those robots to different targets on the board. I play this game frequently with a group of friends and typically we can get robots to move there in a 10 moves or less, but sometimes we get truly stumped with scenarios that require 20 or more moves. We are pretty sure there’s usually a more optimal solution in these cases, but without finding it, who knows? So to answer that, I decided I’m going to write a solver, with a UI and everything. Maybe I can get one of those gaming display table things to play on instead of the physical board.

The game, Ricochet Robots.

This is another relatively hard problem to solve, in fact, there’s a research paper that established that the game is NP-hard! However, the parallels between this and the Eternity II puzzle are striking. A simple solver will just walk through the different states that can be reached, but that may never resolve due to the complexity of the problem. However, I really want to be able to resolve the question in real time while my friends and I are playing, we’ll see how it goes!

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