Another half, another Eternity II update. This half was a good half for the runner, the cluster infra was doing a fairly good job of staying up and processing on the Eternity II job. You can see that in the nice upward curve that started in September.

The trend for percentage of boards investigated continues to be a downward one. This is appears even more evident in the graph, now with 27% processed, but that is only an increase in 1%.

Depth is crawling, with the halfway point remaining at about 24 tiles placed. On October 19th we found a board with 156 tiles placed. It was again rapidly marked as Invalid, but we still strive to get deeper into the board space.
On December 15 we finished the last 20 depth board. 20 only had 413 boards left to be searched in July, so it took quite a long time for so few boards, the focus was really on higher level boards. But, for perspective, 21 has over 10,000,000 boards left to investigate, so we may not see the end of that board in the next six months unless I tweak the algorithm to be more breadth first than depth first. But since the search space still seems to be so large I have little hope of completing it by doing a full search, I’d rather keep it more oriented towards depth first.